Charlaine Reval
Charlaine werkte jarenlang in het speciaal onderwijs en is momenteel gedragswetenschapper in de jeugdzorg. Door middel van gedragstherapieën, groepscoaching en persoonlijke ontwikkeling-publicaties, ontwikkelde ze het gemeenschappelijke platform Homing om niet-gestandaardiseerde kunst te betrekken bij onconventionele vormen van onderwijs. Ze vindt het belangrijk om bij alles wat je doet doelbewust te handelen en van daaruit doelen te bereiken. Hoe leuk zou het zijn om samen met leuke projecten een alternatieve realiteit te creëren?
Behavioural Psychologist
Charlaine worked for years in special education and is currently a behavioral psychologist in youth care. Working through behavioural therapies, group coaching and self growth publications, she co-developed the communal platform Homing to engage non-standardised art with unconventional forms of education. She believes it is important to act purposefully in everything you do and try to achieve goals from there. How nice would it be to create an alternate reality together with fun projects?
Behavioural Psychologist
Charlaine worked for years in special education and is currently a behavioral psychologist in youth care. Working through behavioural therapies, group coaching and self growth publications, she co-developed the communal platform Homing to engage non-standardised art with unconventional forms of education. She believes it is important to act purposefully in everything you do and try to achieve goals from there. How nice would it be to create an alternate reality together with fun projects?

Laura O’Neill
Het werk van Laura O'Neill is momenteel te vinden in de collecties: Rechtbank, Amsterdam en het Bos der Onverzettelijken Almere. Opdrachten zijn onder meer Memory of the Lost Crew in Action WW2 Memorial door Gemeente Almere 2021 door GMCA, Manchester in 2020 en Mexico City Metro, Mexico City in 2015. Eerdere tentoonstellingen en vertoningen zijn onder meer: BSN, Hong Kong; ICA, London; Spike Island, Bristol; CCA, Glasgow; Wysing Art Center, Cambridge; Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham; Palazzo Strozzi, Florence; Tramway, Glasgow; Fact, Liverpool; Glassbox, Paris; Composite, Brussels; Focal Point Gallery, Southend On Sea, Camden Art Centre, London; Cell Project Space, London; Zona de Desgaste, Mexico City; Deslave, Baja California; Ladron Galeria, Mexico D.F; Minshar Gallery, Tel Aviv; Stadio, Switzerland; Karen Huber, Mexico D.F; Fortress of Fortezza-Franzensfeste, Italy.
Laura O’Neill’s work can currently be found in collections: Rechtbank, Amsterdam and Bos der Onverzettelijken Almere. Commissions include Memory of the Lost Crew in Action WW2 Memorial by Gemeente Almere 2021 by GMCA, Manchester in 2020 and Mexico City Metro, Mexico City in 2015. Past exhibitions and Screenings include: BSN, Hong Kong; ICA, London; Spike Island, Bristol; CCA, Glasgow; Wysing Art Center, Cambridge; Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham; Palazzo Strozzi, Florence; Tramway, Glasgow; Fact, Liverpool; Glassbox, Paris; Composite, Brussels; Focal Point Gallery, Southend On Sea, Camden Art Centre, London; Cell Project Space, London; Zona de Desgaste, Mexico City; Deslave, Baja California; Ladron Galeria, Mexico D.F; Minshar Gallery, Tel Avi; Stadio, Switzerland; Karen Huber, Mexico D.F; Fortress of Fortezza-Franzensfeste, Italy.